
Why Cruise Ship food is more clean and Sanitary.

Most Cruise Lines follow the United States Public Health U.S.P.H laws, the  Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC assists cruise ships with preventing and controlling the spread of diseases such as Castro intestinal illnesses and COVID-19. A cruise ship has to maintain a high standard of hygiene and sanitation in Kitchens and in food […]

Why Cruise Ship food is more clean and Sanitary. Read More »

Why science supports the fact that we should always keep our homes clean.

Each person feels that they should keep their home clean. Maybe your parents taught you to, or maybe peer pressure from family and friends in your surroundings. One should not let their homes deteriorate into messy conditions.  There are a lot of scientific benefits that come with keeping your home clean. Letting your home get

Why science supports the fact that we should always keep our homes clean. Read More »

Clean Kitchen

Your kitchen is the gem of your home, it can also be the family’s health disaster room

Bacteria producers and what to do for them: Poultry and all kinds of meat are mostly contaminated due to unhygienic practices used by infected handlers. The serious bacteria are Escherichia coli and Salmonella, which can cause food poisoning. Adults and children are at higher risk of getting the disease due to undercooked food. Nutritionists should

Your kitchen is the gem of your home, it can also be the family’s health disaster room Read More »