Clean Kitchen

Your kitchen is the gem of your home, it can also be the family’s health disaster room

Bacteria producers and what to do for them:

Poultry and all kinds of meat are mostly contaminated due to unhygienic practices used by infected handlers. The serious bacteria are Escherichia coli and Salmonella, which can cause food poisoning. Adults and children are at higher risk of getting the disease due to undercooked food. Nutritionists should store meat separately and place it below other items in the fridge to evade the chances of transferring germs.

Vegetables are less likely to be contaminated. But occasionally they are contaminated during harvesting and handling. So rub them while washing with 10 ppm chlorine and then dry them with a clean cloth to get rid of possible contamination.

Germs love countertops. We place almost everything on countertops and it can be a source of cross-contamination. So make sure to clean and sanitize them regularly.

Sponges and scrubbers can clean your utensils but sometimes leave germs on them and can jeopardize the lives of your loved ones. Cleaning and sanitizing them more often with chlorine or a high temperature of 160F water can dispose of germs.

Cutting boards can transfer these germs easily. Meat and vegetables when cut down on the same board, are exposed to germs. It is advisable to cut both of these commodities at separate boards. Washing cutting boards is a must.

Drying towels, if unclean, can transfer germs from one utensil to another. The drying towel should be clean.

Refrigerators contain most of the kitchen stuff and if not cleaned and disinfected can be a way to pass along germs.

The easiest way to sanitize:

You can easily decontaminate your kitchen equipment with homemade sanitizer. Adding one tablespoon, or 1/2 the cap of liquid chlorine bleach in one gallon of room temperature water and using it as a sanitizer. There are many germs and bacteria in the kitchen so always keep it clean. Prefer the quality of food over quantity and along with washing your hands before, during, and after cooking, you have to clean the surfaces as well. A few minutes of extra work can save you from a lot of trouble and doctor fees.

Your kitchen is the gem of your home, it can also be the family’s health disaster room

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