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Effects of eating late at night

Eating late at night may affect your weight, disease risk, acid reflux, and food choices. Still, remember that more research ...

Eating Out vs Cooking at Home

Both eating out and cooking at home have their own set of health benefits, but there are some key differences ...

Drinking Too Much Soda

Soda Consumption Should be moderate; drinking too much soda can be unhealthy. Drinking excessive amounts of soda can have detrimental ...

A Quick Guide to a Balanced Diet From the Healthy Eating Food Pyramid

A balanced diet is the key to staying healthy. Follow the "Healthy Eating Food Pyramid" guide as you pick your ...
Treat Hair loss

How to Prevent and Reverse Baldness, My Views and Experiences.

When I was about 15 years old, I asked my Barber how he didn't lose any of his hair at ...

Why Cruise Ship food is more clean and Sanitary.

Most Cruise Lines follow the United States Public Health U.S.P.H laws, the  Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC assists ...

Why science supports the fact that we should always keep our homes clean.

Each person feels that they should keep their home clean. Maybe your parents taught you to, or maybe peer pressure ...
Clean Kitchen

Your kitchen is the gem of your home, it can also be the family’s health disaster room

Bacteria producers and what to do for them: Poultry and all kinds of meat are mostly contaminated due to unhygienic ...

Rid back pain with healthy foods and a few simple exercises.

Lower back pain and stiffness most often get better over time regardless of treatments. With that said, there are a ...

Make Leftovers Safer to Consume

The bacteria that cause food poisoning proliferate at room temperature. To make sure it’s safe, put food in the fridge ...