Why Cruise Ship food is more clean and Sanitary.

Most Cruise Lines follow the United States Public Health U.S.P.H laws, the  Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC assists cruise ships with preventing and controlling the spread of diseases such as Castro intestinal illnesses and COVID-19.

A cruise ship has to maintain a high standard of hygiene and sanitation in Kitchens and in food service areas. This is because of the number of people living in close quarters, even though guest satisfaction is a priority, foodborne illness and infections are always at risk.

Public Health Training on Cruise Ships is first Priority.

Crew members are constantly being trained about food safety from the start to the end of their contracts. Kitchens and food-service outlets are deep cleaned after breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks.

 United States public health inspections are randomly done on cruise ships, they can come at any unexpected time, so you always have to be ready especially when you’re entering an American port.

To be prepared, internal sanitation inspections are done numerous times within the cruise,  a ship that scores 86 to 100 has passed this test, if they fail there will be very difficult outcomes including bad publicity for the ship.

Hand Washing is done around the Clock Stop

Food and beverage services are very strict, no touching of ready-to-eat food without gloves, service areas have to be cleaned regularly and food has to be labeled and stored according to the USPH regulations. The crew has to stop and wash their hands regularly which soap warm water forward a duration of 20 seconds and wear latex gloves at all times. Garbage has to be separated and disposed of appropriately if workers do not abide by these rules they can be given disciplinary action including termination of the contract.

Safety is the number one priority on a cruise ship, which includes putting on your life jacket and finding your way to the life raft or Lifeboat etc., equally is food safety and good hygiene practices from guests and crews as per USPHS. https://www.usphs.gov/

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